Orthopedic Research
As it relates to Regenerative Injection Therapies
Prolotherapy and PRP are regenerative medicines, that are simple, cost effective, time-efficient alternative to surgery or degenerative steroid injections.
Following are links to research regarding the use of both with different areas of the body.

The effectiveness of prolotherapy in treating knee osteoarthritis in adults
Hyaluronic acid vs platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis
Therapeutic effects of prolotherapy for moderate knee osteoarthritis
Dextrose Prolotherapy for Knee Osteoarthritis Study
Results of prolo in osteoarthritic knees Jrnl Abstract Jul 2012
Hypertonic Dextrose Injection Appears Effective for TMJ Dysfunction
The deterioration of articular cartilage in osteoarthritis by corticosteroid injections
Steroid Injections Increased Cartilage Loss in Knee Arthritis
Hypertonic dextrose vs corticosteroid local injection for the treatment of osteoarthritis
PRP use in tendon strengthening after injury
PRP Treatment for Tendinitis – Cornell Study
Positive effects of PRP in different tissues
PRP vs Blood in elbow epicondylitis
PRP shows promise for hamstring tears
PRP:Bone Marrow Stem Cell Injection in Foot, Ankle Surgery
PRP as treatment for severe Achilles tendon tear
PRP for primary, secondary Knee osteoarthritis