
Stress Relief and Improved Sleep

If you have met your adrenal glands, it is usually when you became aware of how much caffeine you were drinking in a day, or how tired you were despite how many hours of sleep you were getting, or you were at a stage when you couldn’t sleep anymore because of how tired you were. The trickster hormone at the center of these pesky issues is cortisol, born and raised in the adrenal glands. As in every system in the body, balance is important; but this becomes more and more difficult in our modern society–where we are required to take work emails on our phones, which we carry with us everywhere–we never turn off, and our adrenal glands compensate for a time, until they can no longer sustain us and we have to supplement with caffeine and the like. In medical school, I lived and died by how much coffee I could safely consume in a 24-hour period. (Not my proudest moment.) And the situation did not improve when I transitioned into my residency.

I was working six-days a week, from sunup until way past sundown, without a single measure of self-care (because who has time for that). Everything was worse because of how I was abusing my poor little adrenal glands: my body, my mind, my mood, my relationships–me and my mind body spirit were MISERABLE. I had a lot of really hard choices to face, and ultimately made the decision to transition out of my residency, bet on myself, and started Magos ND so that I could live a lifestyle that was more inline with my values and how I was asking my patients to live.

If Not Now, When?

You can’t sleep? Everything hurts? Tired of being tired all the time? I get it! I’ve been there. And, when I let my self-care practices slip, I end up there again. Come on in, let’s talk about how to give your sweet adrenal glands a break.